Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 was Chartered by The Grand Lodge of Scotland on 7th. February 1876.
We have continually met in Uddingston since that date and our Lodge has in its possession a complete minute which traces not only the history of the Lodge but importantly the history of our village and the surrounding area.
Our present Masonic Hall was built in 1924 and is one of the finest examples of a building of its type in Scotland.
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A large Deputation from Grand Lodge headed by Bro. Ramsay McGhee, Depute Grand Master and including Bro. Kenneth D. Kennedy, Past Depute Grand Master and Bro. George R. Kelly, Substitute Grand Master attended the Regular Meeting of our Lodge on 9th November 2016.
In the Grand Lodge Deputation were the Lodge St. Bryde Members, James L. Jack, Assistant Grand D.of C., Alex Hamilton, Board of Grand Stewards, Andrew McAlpine, Hon. Assistant Grand Secretary and Ronald McCarney, Hon. Grand Tyler.
The meeting was furthered honoured by the presence of a very large Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Tom Davidson and including 579 Members Bro. James Vasey, P.G. Junior Chaplain and Bro. Robert Edgar, P.G. Committee.
An excellent Dedication Service was conducted by Bro. Rev.Peter Price, Past Grand Chaplain assisted by Bro. Stuart Jack, R.W.M. , Bro. Tom Davidson, I.P.P.G.M., Bro. James Fergusson, P.G. Senior Chaplain, Bro. James Vasey, P.G. Junior Chaplain.
A very thought provoking and at times emotional Service will never be forgotten by the 116 Brethren that attended the Service, the Right Worshipful Master invited Bro. James L. Jack, P.M. to unveil the plaque and this was done with the assistance of Bro. Ramsay McGhee.
Bro. Rev. Peter Price and the Grand Lodge Deputation.
Bro. Rev. Peter Price with Bros. Stuart Jack RWM, Andrew Jack, D.M. & James L. Jack, P.M. 579
War Memorial in position on North Wall
The collection at the meeting which amounted to £448 and was augmented to £500 and was presented to Bro. David Johnston, RWM of Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229.
Bro. Johnston is actively involved with Personnel Recovery Centre Welfare Fund an organisation dedicated to the re-habilitation of ex-servicemen.
Bro. Norman Telfer, DSM presented Bro. Ramsay McGhee with a cheque for £850 which was the total raised from the Sponsored Walk.
The cheque will be donated to Prostate Scotland.
The whole Service was recorded by Bro. Charles Winston of the Grand Lodge Information and Communication Committee who were keen to have the Service recorded for the Grand Lodge archive.
Our Lodge can be proud that a fitting Memorial received a Dedication fitting the sacrifice that our Members gave for their country
Download Memorial Service
Bro. Stuart Jack, RWM and Bro. Ramsay McGhee, Depute Grand Master