Lodge St. Bryde No. 579

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Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 was Chartered by The Grand Lodge of Scotland on 7th. February 1876.

We have continually met in Uddingston since that date and our Lodge has in its possession a complete minute which traces not only the history of the Lodge but importantly the history of our village and the surrounding area.

Our present Masonic Hall was built in 1924 and is one of the finest examples of a building of its type in Scotland.


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Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 Open Doors Day

5th. May 2018.

The Open Doors Day was a fantastic success !

Bro. Duncan Mulholland, the Right Worshipful Master welcomed everyone to the Open Doors Day.

The event was formally opened by our oldest Member Bro. A. Boyd Tunnock, who in his opening address emphasised the service that our Lodge has given to the local Community since 1876.

The event ran from 10 am to 2pm and over 100 people attended including the Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Bill Perry.

The Lodge was set out for a Regular Meeting and much thought had gone into the preparation of the Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge and Lodge St. Bryde displays which created a great deal of interest.

A power point presentation ran on continuous loop and contained photos of the exterior restoration of the Hall.

Bro. Stuart Jack, P.M. presented an excellent Lecture in the lounge on the Members of Lodge St. Bryde who fought in World War 1, this was attended by 56 people who were very impressed by the research that Bro. Jack had carried out and demonstrated in his presentation.

The R.W.M. thanked and presented flowers to the ladies of the Lodge led by Mrs. Helen Jack who worked throughout the day providing a welcomed cup of tea and coffee to everyone.  

Everyone agreed, the Open Doors Day was a fantastic success !

Bro. A. Boyd Tunnock is welcomed to the Open Doors Day by Bro. Duncan Mulholland and the Members of the Lodge.

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Design and Hosting by PAAC -UK

General view of the display tables.

The Lodge Display cabinets.

Grand Lodge of Scotland display.

Lodge St. Bryde display.

War Memorial and R.W.M.`s

The Lodge set out for a Regular Meeting

Lodge St. Bryde No. June 2018 Update

Sponsored Walk. On Saturday 9th. June, eight Brethren and Mrs. Helen Jack completed the walk from Lodge St. Bryde to Lodge Eastmuir and back. The Annual Sponsored walk is in aid of Cancer Charities which the Lodge has been supporting for many years.

Visit to Lebanon. Bro. Charles I.R.Wolridge Gordon of Esslemont, M.W. Grand Master Mason accompanied by RW Bro. David Begg, Grand Secretary and RW Bro. James L. Jack, Grand Director of Music attended the Installation of the new District Grand Master of Lebanon in Beirut on Sat. 9th. June.
Three Hundred and sixty Brethren attended from fifteen countries and was a tremendous success. The visiting Brethren were well entertained and as part of the programme visited the Tomb of Hiram King of Tyre.

The Lodge Display cabinets.

Bro. Jarmakani is congratulated by M.W. Bro. Charles I.W.Gordon , Grand Master Mason.

 Banner of The District of Lebanon

Tomb of Hiram King of Tyre.  

Installation of Office-bearers 24th November 2018

579 Office bearers 2018 - 2019

Russell Parsons RWM 2019


The Installation of Office bearers was held on Saturday 24th. November 2018 with an attendance of 140.

The Installing Masters were Bros. Alex L. Hamilton  P.M. and David Shaw, P.M. both Past Masters of the Lodge.

Bro. Stephen Campbell, Substitute Provincial Grand Master led the deputation from P.G.L. and included RW Bro. James Kerr, District Grand Master of Central South Africa

and Bro. Gary Talbot, District Steward.

120 attended the dinner which followed the meeting.

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Bro. Russell Parsons, RWM with his Father, Bro. Peter Parsons, D.M.


R.W. Bro. James Kerr, D.G.M. with RW Bro. James L. Jack, Proxy District Grand Master and the Members of Lodge St. Bryde who are Proxy Masters of Central South African Lodges.

Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 visit to Lodge Rothesay  St. John No. 292 on Saturday 23rd. March 2019.

Norrie Telfer will be taking names and deposits.

Lodge St. Bryde 579 visit to Lodge Rothesay St. John No. 292.

Bro. J. Meiklejohn`s

1914-15 War Medal , purchased by the Lodge

WW1 Research

Bro. Russell Parsons, RWM presents Bro. Alan McColl, RWM of Lodge Tollcross No. 1194 with a plaque to commemorate the Centenary of the Lodge.

Grand Lodge of Kansas Installation

James L. Jack, with the MW Grand Master and Brethren of The Price Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas.

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