Lodge St. Bryde No. 579

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Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 was Chartered by The Grand Lodge of Scotland on 7th. February 1876.

We have continually met in Uddingston since that date and our Lodge has in its possession a complete minute which traces not only the history of the Lodge but importantly the history of our village and the surrounding area.

Our present Masonic Hall was built in 1924 and is one of the finest examples of a building of its type in Scotland.


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February 2023

On a recent holiday to Rio de Janeiro, Jim Jack managed to visit the Palace do Lavradio.

Which is the headquarter of the Grand Orient. The Palace was built in 1842 shortly after Brazil declared independence from Portugal in 1822 and the first emperor of the Republic Dom Pedro 1 was a Mason and his chief advisor was fellow Mason Jose Bonifacio who became the first Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil.

Although first established in Brazil in 1797 Freemasonry appears today, to be booming in Brazil with over 6,000 active Lodges in Brazil today.

In the State of Rio de Janeiro, there are three Grand Lodges, two of which are recognised by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, The Grand Orient of Brazil and the Grand Lodge of Rio de Janeiro.

In the Palace there are ten Lodge Rooms and the Main Hall, which the Grand Orient uses can seat over 600.

James Vasey Presentation.

Brethren will know that our Brother James Vasey, P.M. was awarded the Honorary Grand Rank of Chaplain at the Grand Lodge Installation in November last year.

Usually, the Honorary Grand Rank jewel would be presented at the Provincial Grand Lodge Annual General Meeting by the Provincial Grand Master in January , but unfortunately, the P.G.M. will be on holiday.

He asked Bro. James L. Jack, Past Provincial Grand Master to make the presentation on his behalf, this was carried out at the last meeting of 2022.

The photo shows the Provincial Grand Lodge Members with Bro. Vasey at the P.G.L. Installation of Office-bearers.

March 2023

Grand Lodge of Kansas Installation.

Bro. James L. Jack, P.M. received a very unusual Honour on a recent visit to The Grand Lodge of Kansas Installation in Topeka, Kansas, he was Installed as  Assistant Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge of Kansas.

What makes his Installation unusual is that he also holds the Office of Junior Grand Deacon in the Grand Lodge of Scotland. A great Honour for our Lodge St. Bryde No. 579.

January 2023

The Regular Meeting on 14th. December was indeed a special occasion. R.W. Bro. Andrew D. Millar, Provincial Grand Master accompanied by Bros. Norman Carnegy, Depute Provincial Grand Master, Colin Campbell and Laird McDonald Substitute Provincial Grand Masters attended the meeting to assist Bro. Alex Hamilton, RWM present a Diamond Jubilee Certificate to our Almoner Bro. John McLean.

Bro. John was Initiated into Lodge Ulster No. 1486, Glasgow on 22nd. February 1962 and Affiliated to Lodge St. Bryde on 26th. March 2008.

He held the office as Senior Steward for two years before becoming Almoner in 2010.

I think everyone will be of the same mind, that it would be difficult to find a better Almoner in any Lodge !

He has been an excellent addition to our Lodge and we wish him well in the future.

New Proxy District Grand Master Central South Africa

On the retirement of Bro. James L. Jack as Proxy District Grand Master, The District recommended to Grand Lodge that Bro. Gordon Mather be appointed the new Proxy District Grand Master of Central South Africa.

Lodge St. Enoch No. 1288 Centenary .

The 28th. Of January was an historic day for Freemasonry in Lanarkshire as Lodge St. Enoch No. 1288 Celebrated their Centenary.

The Rededication was held in Lodge Woodhall St. John No. 305 and afterwards at the Castle Rooms in Uddingston.

This appointment was approved by Grand Committee 8th. December 2022. Bro. Gordon will be a great asset to the District as he has been associated with Lodge Ophirton No. 886 in Boksburg for many years.

Bro. Stuart Jack, P.M Lecture.

Lecture.  Bro. Stuart Jack, P.M. presented a Lecture of the Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 Members who fought in World War 1 to Lodge St. Andrew No. 524 in East Kilbride on 10th. January.

The Lecture was well received by the Brethren and a good discussion took place afterwards.

April 2023

Galston Lecture. Bro. James L. Jack, accompanied by Bros. Alex Hamilon, RWM and Duncan Mulholland, WSW attended Lodge St. Peter No. 331 where Bro. Jack presented a Lecture on the H.L. Hunley.

The Lecture was well received by the Brethren of the Lodge.

The Lodge was also active throughout the month with visits to Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 and Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No. 114.

Three of our Brethren also received their Mark Degree, the first time that we have worked a Mark Degree since 2019 because of the Covid Pandemic.

Socially, An excellent whisky tasting night was arranged by Norman Telfer and £450 was raised for the Hall Centenary Fund.

May 2023

Sportsman's Dinner.  

This year's Sportsman's Dinner was a tremendous success in more ways than one !
The attendance was back to pre-covid days, with over 100 attending.

This was the 20th. Event organised by Norman Telfer and we were well entertained by the two guest speakers who were in excellent form.

The event also raised £1,600 for Lodge Funds, including a bottle of Royal Salute Whisky which was auctioned for £230. Well done everyone.

Historical Photo.

At the Regular Meeting of 10th. May an historical photo was taken of the five members of Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 who hold Honorary Grand Rank.

James L. Jack Hon. Grand Senior Deacon awarded 2004, Alex Hamilton Hon. Grand Jeweller awarded 2019, Andrew McAlpine Hon. Grand Assistant Secretary awarded 1993, Duncan Macintosh Hon Grand Senior Deacon awarded 2019, James Vasey Hon. Grand Chaplain awarded 2022.


The last meeting before the recess saw a Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Bro. Andrew Millar, P.G.M. return to our Lodge to present a Jubilee Certificate to Bro. Norman Telfer, DSM.

Bro. Telfer has worked tirelessly for the Lodge over many years and has raised thousands of pounds for the Lodge and Cancer Charities.

Also at the Meeting the Provincial Grand Master warmly welcomed two Brethren who had Affiliated to our Lodge from Emblem Lodge No. 6727.


On Wednesday 17th. May the Lodge Defibrillator was called into use by the Emergency Services.

The unit was recovered from Hairmyers Hospital and returned to service by the service engineer.

This is the second time the unit has been called into use by the Emergency Services.

Honorary Provincial Grand Rank.

The Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Andrew Millar has awarded the following Brethren Honorary Provincial Grand Rank.

Scott Campbell, Lodge Hamilton No. 233 Almoner

Ronald MacDonald, Lodge Griffin No. 1254 Architect

David Brockett, Lodge Larchgrove No. 1518. Junior Deacon

The Members of Lodge St. Bryde offer our congratulations to the above Brethren.

Right Angles from issue 1 in 1995 are in the process of being digitised.

An archive has recently been found from April 1995 to December 2006 for all Right Angles.

1995 available to view now                  1996 available to view now       


October 2023

Visit to National Grand Lodge of Greece, Provincial Grand Lodge of Ionian Islands, Corfu.

During the recess, I had the opportunity to visit the Lodge Room in Corfu, Greece.

The Lodges meet under the National Grand Lodge of Greece, which is recognised by The Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Freemasonry in Corfu dates back at least 200 years and originally was a mixture of French, Italian, English and Irish Lodges.

The photos include, the interior of both Temples and the excellent museum, which is a member of AMMLA the Association of Masonic Museums and Libraries Archives.