Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 was Chartered by The Grand Lodge of Scotland on 7th. February 1876.
We have continually met in Uddingston since that date and our Lodge has in its possession a complete minute which traces not only the history of the Lodge but importantly the history of our village and the surrounding area.
Our present Masonic Hall was built in 1924 and is one of the finest examples of a building of its type in Scotland.
Expectations of Lodge Office Bearers
“ The Right Worshipful Master, Bro. James L. Jack Worshipful Wardens, Past Masters, Office Bearers and Brethren would take this opportunity to welcome you to our website. We would love to see you at our regular meetings. Why don't you come along and make new friends or renew old acquaintances.”
" Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 meet on the 2nd. and 4th. Wednesday Sept. to May at 7.30p.m. "
"Defibrillator on outside wall of Hall for public use.

"Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 – World War 1 1914-1918 Back in Stock only £20.00

"Previous Right Angle`s available to view and download.

"Bro. J. Meiklejohn`s 1914-15 War Medal , purchased by the Lodge.

"1995 and 1996 Archived Right Angles avaiable for viewing now in the main Right Angle page.
Link in the Main Right Angle Page.
Bro. James L. Jack was awarded Honorary Provincial Grand Rank by Bro. Christian Bonzi Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Terres duTemple
Brethren of Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 at the Festival of St. Andrew with MW Bro. Charles Ian Wolrige Gordon Grand Master Mason, RW Bro. Bill Perry, PGM, RW Bro. Jim Kerr, DGM, RW Bro. James L. Jack, PPGM, Bro. Duncan Mulholland, RWM
Bro. Stuart Jack, RWM and James L. Jack, I.P.P.G.M. congratulate Bro. Ronnie McCarney, P.M. 579 on being Installed as P.G. Tyler for the nineteenth time.
Freemasonry Is....
A beautiful system of morality. Veiled in allegory & illustrated by Signs & Symbols
• Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest fraternal societies in the world.
• It will provide you with a code of living in
today's community, based on good moral
and ethical standards.
• It is an organisation of men who try to live
by the principles of integrity and goodwill
which unifies them, regardless of colour,
creed or worldly status.
• It is a non profit making organisation that is involved in supporting charity and service to the community.
• It will provide you with a common interest where you can meet and enjoy the company of like minded men from all walks of life.
Right Worshipful Master
Bro. Duncan Mulholland
ST. BRYDE No. 579